VS PAINT - List Of Features

Group Name Icon Shortcut Definition and Usage
File New Ctrl + N Create new canvas.
Open Ctrl + O Open existed image.
Save Ctrl + S Save the current canvas to the current file.
Save As Ctrl + Shift + S Save the current canvas to a new file.
Export Export the current canvas to .png or .jpeg file.
Import Import a .png of .jpeg file to the current canvas.
Mode Draw draw-icon B Change into drawing mode.
Erase erase-icon E Change into erase mode.
Select select-icon S Change into selecting mode.
Tool Undo undo-icon Ctrl + Z Undo latest action.
Redo redo-icon Ctrl + Y Redo previous action.
Select All select-all-icon Ctrl + A Select every shape.
Deselect All deselect-all-icon Ctrl + D Deselect every shape.
Transform trasnform-icon Ctrl + T Change position/size/rotate selected shape(s).
Copy copy-icon Ctrl + C Copy selected shape(s).
Paste paste-icon Ctrl + V Paste selected shape(s).
Layer Move Up move-up-icon Move up selected shape(s).
Move Down move-down-icon Move down selected shape(s).